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Marathon - Wakefield 2023

Get your rigs "Top O" ready with Marathon Racing

at the Short Course Nationals in Wakefield, MI!


You heard that right – a MARATHON at Short Course Nationals!


The 20-minute marathon will be on Saturday, August 5th.  The exact time of the marathon is TBD in regards to weather – it may be right away in the morning if windy or they may hold off until the later in the day if the race commitee is working to get short-course events completed from the Naional Championships.


For those of you just traveling to Wakefield for the marathon, you do not have to be there all week! You can arrive as late as Thursday morning (although we highly recommend you arrive Wednesday evening). You may register online now for the marathon!


For those of you running short course AND marathon, you must attend the regular drivers meeting on Monday as well as the marathon drivers meeting Thursday morning.


Additionally, there WILL BE A RELAY MARATHON on Saturday! This one is just for fun and bragging rights with a small cash prize to the winning team! There will also be a drivers meeting for this marathon on Saturday morning. Registration for this Marathon will be sent directly to Sam Fairbairn and finalized the week of racing. You will be able to find the sheet to register on this website OR by contacting Sam directly at    or by phone at:     (two-three-one) 330-2213

Tentative MARATHON Schedule:


August 3rd (Thursday): Drivers Meeting at 9 am (location TBD)

  • Marathon Starts (TBD on weather)

  • *this is a regularly scored marathon*


August 5th (Saturday): Drivers Meeting for Relay Marathon 9 am (location TBD)

  • Marathon Starts (TBD)

  • *there are no points associated with this marathon – purely fun!*

  • ​

As a reminder, here is what the relay marathon on Saturday is comprised of:

Runabouts Only Relay Marathon

  • Total of 20 laps – 4 laps for each class!

  • *open to short course boats

  • This event will ONLY be left-hand turns.

  • Team Scenarios:

    • D, C, 25, 15, and an A (has to have one of each)

    • If a team cannot find each class to participate, a SMALLER class make take their spot. For example:

      • Team 1: DSR, CSR, 25SSR, ASR, ASR

      • Team 2: DSR, 25SSR, 25SSR, 15SSR, ASR

      • Team 3: CSR, CSR, 25SSR, 15SSR, ASR

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